My brother Rod and me ready for a fancy dress party. |
My brother Rod, sister Lyndel and me in the swinging 60s! |
Our house. We have lots of different roses in our garden. |
Molly on the verandah – it’s my favourite reading spot in summer.
Jack and Molly in the haystack on the farm where I grew up. |
Molly on the farm. She’s chased away all the cows! |
Molly at four weeks with one of her sisters |
Molly at four months |
Harriet loves to sit in my in-tray when I’m working |
Harriet at three months, checking out my screen-saver |
A rare shot of Harriet, Jack and Molly in the one place. Normally they’re chasing each other around the house! |
Jack chasing Henrietta and Doris around our garden. Henrietta was the model for the chook on the cover of Oliver’s Egg. She was a champion layer! |
My partner Paul Collins with Jack |
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Paul with Molly |
Ping is a 'dumped' Pekin duck that Paul rescued.
He's about 4 weeks old here. |
Ping seemed a bit lonely so we got him a mate called Pong!
They spend all their time together. |
Ping and Pong in their pool.
Like all ducks, they love swimming! |
Me in hospital in England after I was hit by a car in Paris. I had a dislocated shoulder and real Plaster of Paris on my broken leg! |
When I was 22 I rode a bike around the Loire Valley in France with my friend Clare. |
On the job for Challenge Magazine. I was interviewing the vet at the Melbourne Zoo. His next job was to pull out a tiger’s tooth (while he was under anaesthetic, thankfully!) |
Me with the two Mary Grant Bruce Awards I won for my short stories back in the early 90s. |
My writer friends Jane Tanner, Krista Bell and Margaret Clark |
My friend Cathy Larsen and me at the launch of the Quentaris series. Quentaris is a fantasy series for kids put together by Paul Collins and Michael Pryor. |
We all dressed up as pirates when Andy Griffiths and Paul launched my friend Sherryl Clark’s book, Pirates of Quentaris, at the Williamstown Festival. |
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Leigh Hobbs, Jane Tanner and Marjory Gardner at the Dromkeen Literary Lunch in Riddells Creek. |
Lorette Broekstra, Anne Spudvilas and me at Dromkeen |
Signing books at the launch of Trust Me! (an anthology from Ford Street Publishing) with Marc McBride, Sofie Laguna, Hazel Edwards and Paul |
Christina Booth and I at the launch of No Noise at Our House at Stories bookshop in Launceston, Tasmania. |
Stories bookshop in Launceston, Tasmania. |